Sunday, October 14, 2012


Welcome to Bookshelf Reviews, where members of the Bookshelf reading community (both locally and at a distance) offer their considered opinions on new releases and older favorites. This is a sister forum to our  BookstoreCinema, and eBar blogs. If the Bookshelf is a special place (and I would humbly submit that it is), it's because there's a special community of people attached to it, and here you can sample a collection of their voices and their views on the books they've discovered.

The pieces here are actually short articles as much as they are reviews. The writers work with an editor (yours truly) to make sure their pieces are informed, accurate, and entertaining. These are neither drive-by verdicts rapped off in a few seconds by an anonymous blogger, nor the planted and paid-for reviews that are increasingly present on online retail and review sites. Instead, here you'll find the informed views of keen readers who are also gifted writers. In some pieces you'll find information on blockbuster books you've already heard of, and in others you'll discover less-known gems that you might not otherwise have heard of. Enjoy! 

- Bruce

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