Sunday, June 21, 2015


When thinking about Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future by A.S. King, one finds it hard to put it into just one definite genre. The novel is an intricate cross between a contemporary finding yourself story and dystopian fiction. If I were to compare this novel to a similar young adult book the first thing that comes to mind is both We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and The Program by Suzanne Young. Both two very different novels but when putting those concepts together you get this book.

Glory is just about to graduate from high school. When she was little her mom committed suicide and Glory has always wondered if she would go the same way. Then one night, Glory and her best friend Ellie try something very daring that ends up changing both of them, for better and for worse. Glory can now look at anyone and see their infinite past and their future, from their ancestors to their decedents 50 years from now. She uses this knowledge the write about an upcoming civil war based around women’s rights. She may not see a future for herself but she is determined to break apart this future one vision at a time.

The book's beginning was a tad slow and a bit gloomy with hearing about her mom's suicide and what that has done to Glory, her father, and the others in her life. However, the world of the book was so deeply woven and intricate that it makes up for the gloom. The plot was well thought out and every scene had a reason to be where it was and why. I loved Glory’s sarcastic humour as well as A.S. King’s dramatic but realistic writing style. The thing I loved most about this novel was that it was so realistic. A civil war like the one in the novel could happen, so to see it played out in front of you in such detail is frightening!

If you are becoming frustrated with authors who end a book or series without wrapping everything up, then this is the book for you! Since Glory writes about the future you get to know everything that will happen to her and all the other characters you grow to care about, or hate, by the end of this novel. I found this to be a strange twist especially in a young adult novel but was left feeling satisfied with how the book ended. 

Jordan Teasdale is a Grade 11 student who has been reading since her mom first dropped the Harry Potter books into her hands. Her love for reading has only grown from there. She blogs at

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